0 Chest X-ray rotation
MCQ 157
Q. On a chest X-Ray, if the patient is rotated to left, then ?
a. left side becomes more radiolucent
b. right side becomes more radiolucent
c. both the sides become less radiolucent
d. radiolucency of both sides is not affected
Answer : A - if the patient is rotated to left, left side becomes more radiolucent
0 Smoking related ILDs
MCQ 156
Q. Which of the folowing is not a smoking related Interstitial lung disease (ILD) ?
a. Acute interstitial pneumonia
c. Desquamative interstitial pneumonia
d. Pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Answer : A - Acute interstitial pneumonia.
0 Fahr disease
MCQ 155
Q. In Fahr disease there is ?
a. abnormality in calcium metabolism
b. abnormality in phosphate metabolism
c. abnormality in both calcium or phosphate metabolism
d. no abnormality in calcium or phosphate metabolism
Answer : D, In Fahr disease calcification can be found in the globus pallidus, putamen, caudate, thalamus, cerebellum (especially dentate nucleus), corona radiata, and subcortical white matter. There is no abnormality in calcium or phosphate metabolism.
2 DNB Thesis - Front cover page format
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0 Spinal meningeal cysts
MCQ 154
Q. Which of the following is type 2 spinal meningeal cyst ?
a. extradural spinal arachnoid cyst
b. tarlov cyst
c. intradural spinal arachnoid cyst
d. sacral meningocoele
Answer : B - Tarlov cyst = perineural cyst.
Classification of spinal meningeal cysts :
type I : extradural with no neural tissue
a - extradural spinal arachnoid cyst
b - sacral meningocele
type II : extradural with neural tissue eg: tarlov cyst.
type III : intradural spinal arachnoid cyst
Classification of spinal meningeal cysts :
type I : extradural with no neural tissue
a - extradural spinal arachnoid cyst
b - sacral meningocele
type II : extradural with neural tissue eg: tarlov cyst.
type III : intradural spinal arachnoid cyst
1 Medical One Liners 301 - 310
301. Thrombospondins (TSP) has anti-angiogenic abilities
302. Infectious diseases communicable during the later part of the incubation period are - Measles, chickenpox, whooping cough, hepatitis A.
303. Fredericson classification - medial tibial stress syndrome
304. Bismuth-Corlette classification - perihilar cholangiocarcinoma
305. Luftsichel sign & juxtaphrenic peak sign - Left Upper Lobe collapse
Flat waist sign - Left Lower Lobe collapse.
307. Most common anomaly associated with coarctation of aorta is bicuspid aortic valve.
308. 4th Ventricle Ependymoma vs Meduloblastoma
- Ependymoma - usually from Floor of 4th ventricle (Mnemonic - Alphabetic order EF)
- Meduloblastoma - usually from Roof of 4th ventricle
309. Most common tumor of mediastinum - neurogenic tumor.
310. Most common causes of renal artery stenosis
- Old age - Atherosclerosis
- Young (India) - Takayasu arteritis
- Young (Western world) - Fibromuscular dysplasia.
0 Medical one liners 291 - 300
291. Ulcerative colitis causes inflammatory diarrhoea
Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency causes Steatorrheal diarrhoea
292. Metastases -
- MC intracranial metastasis from Carcinoma lung
- MC hepatic metastasis (overall) from Bronchogenic carcinoma
- MC hepatic mets from GIT from Colonic carcinoma
Isometric exercise : Cardiac output decreases.
294. The repolarisation wave in heart starts from epicardial surface of apex.
295. Glucocorticoids increase the number of RBCs, platelets and neutrophils in the circulation.
296. Acute rheumatic fever - There is no residual damage to the joint.
297. Live vaccines are contraindicated in pregnancy.
298. Screening is effective for cervical cancer, breast cancer & oral cancer.
299. CTEV correction : 1st - forefoot adduction, then - inversion, then - equinus.
300. Receptor proteins for Parathyroid hormone (PTH) are present on both osteoblasts and osteocytes.
0 Energy sources
Energy sources
Well fed state :
- Glucose - for brain, liver and muscle
- Fatty acid - for heart
Fasting state :
- Glucose - for brain
- Fatty acid - for heart, liver and muscle
Starvation :
- Ketones - for Heart and brain
- Amino acid - for liver
- Fatty acid - for muscle
0 Medical One Liners 281 - 290
281. Nucleus ambiguus - cranial nerves IX, X and XI.
282. Black pleural sign - Pulmonary Alveolar Microlithiasis
283. Nernst potential across cell membrane :
- for K+ ion is -90 mV
- for Na+ ion is +60 mV
- for Cl- ion is -70 mV
284. Small cell Ca of lung is most common variety of lung cancer associated with paraneoplastic syndrome.
285. Meissner and Pacinian corpuscles - rapidly adapting (phasic) receptors.
Merkel cells and Ruffini endings - slowly adapting (tonic) receptors.
286. Abdominal cocoon = Sclerosing encapsulating peritonitis.
287. Apple core sign - on barium studies of circumferential growth in colon cancers.
288. Celery stalk metaphysis - in osteopathia striata , and congenital rubella.
Celery stalk sign - in ACL mucoid degeneration.
289. Champagne glass pelvis - in Achondroplasia
290. Coffee bean sign - sigmoid volvulus.
285. Meissner and Pacinian corpuscles - rapidly adapting (phasic) receptors.
Merkel cells and Ruffini endings - slowly adapting (tonic) receptors.
286. Abdominal cocoon = Sclerosing encapsulating peritonitis.
287. Apple core sign - on barium studies of circumferential growth in colon cancers.
288. Celery stalk metaphysis - in osteopathia striata , and congenital rubella.
Celery stalk sign - in ACL mucoid degeneration.
289. Champagne glass pelvis - in Achondroplasia
290. Coffee bean sign - sigmoid volvulus.
0 Medical One Liners 271 - 280
271. Gluteus
- maximus: inferior gluteal nerve
- medius and minimus: superior gluteal nerve
272. Piriformis - lateral rotator of thigh
274. Positive benzidine test in : Hemoglobin and Myoglobin
275. Drug that increases QT interval - Amiodarone, Ebastine, Sotatol
276. SIADH is euvolemic hypoosmolality with increased Urine Na+ , Urine osmolality
277. Muscles related to eustachian tube - Tensor veli palatini, Levator veli palatini and Salpingopharyngeus.
278. Brain cells sensitivity to hypoxia :Neurons > Oligodendrocytes > Astrocytes > Endothelial cells
Among Neurons most sensitive are - Pyramidal cells in area CA1 of hippocampus - known as Sommer's sector.
279. Stratosphere sign on M - mode ultrasound - suggests Pneumothorax.
280. Killian’s dehiscence (also known as gateway of tears) - Between thyropharyngeus and cricopharyngeus.
MedicoNotebook - Founder : DrShiviMudgal , Co-Founder : DrAyushGoel
276. SIADH is euvolemic hypoosmolality with increased Urine Na+ , Urine osmolality
277. Muscles related to eustachian tube - Tensor veli palatini, Levator veli palatini and Salpingopharyngeus.
278. Brain cells sensitivity to hypoxia :Neurons > Oligodendrocytes > Astrocytes > Endothelial cells
Among Neurons most sensitive are - Pyramidal cells in area CA1 of hippocampus - known as Sommer's sector.
279. Stratosphere sign on M - mode ultrasound - suggests Pneumothorax.
280. Killian’s dehiscence (also known as gateway of tears) - Between thyropharyngeus and cricopharyngeus.
1 Medical One Liners 261 - 270
261. Puff of smoke sign is seen in Moya moya disease.
262. Onodi cells are sphenoethmoidal air cells and are in close relation to optic nerve (usually) or internal carotid artery (less commonly)
263. Haller cells are maxilloethmoidal air cells that may be in close relation to infra-orbital nerve.
264. Hepatoportoenterostomy, or Kasai portoenterostomy is a surgical treatment performed on infants with biliary atresia to allow for bile drainage.
265. Denis Browne operation is used for surgical repair of hypospadias.
266. Corpora arenacea - Pineal gland
Corpora amylacea - Prostate gland
267. Crypts of Leiberkuhn and Brunner’s glands are seen in Duodenum.
268. Anorectal ring is formed by – Puborectalis, Internal anal sphincter and Deep external anal sphincter. (Mnemonic PID or DIP )
269. Gantzer's muscles - accessory heads of flexor pollicis longus and flexor digitorum profundus.
270. Last carpal bone to ossify is pisiform.
0 Medical One liners 251 - 260
251. Most common type of disproportionate dwarfism : Achondroplasia
252. Commonest fatal neonatal dysplasia : Thanatophoric dwarfism.
253. Platyspondyly with central vertebral beaking is the diagnostic hallmark of Morquio's disease.
254. PNDT act - 1994, But PCPNDT act (amendment in PNDT act ) - 2003.
255. Pulmonary hypertension : Main pulmonary artery > 28.6 mm,
Right descending pulmonary artery > 16mm
256. Speed of ultrasound in soft tissue : 1540 m/sec.
257. Natural global radiation : Average yearly radiation dose is 2.7 mSv
258. International commission on radiological protection (ICRP) was founded in 1928
259. Atomic energy act - 1962
260. Radionuclides K40 and C14 are present in human body.
253. Platyspondyly with central vertebral beaking is the diagnostic hallmark of Morquio's disease.
254. PNDT act - 1994, But PCPNDT act (amendment in PNDT act ) - 2003.
255. Pulmonary hypertension : Main pulmonary artery > 28.6 mm,
Right descending pulmonary artery > 16mm
256. Speed of ultrasound in soft tissue : 1540 m/sec.
257. Natural global radiation : Average yearly radiation dose is 2.7 mSv
258. International commission on radiological protection (ICRP) was founded in 1928
259. Atomic energy act - 1962
260. Radionuclides K40 and C14 are present in human body.
0 Comet tail artifact
MCQ 153
Q. Comet tail artifact is a type of
a. reverberation artifact
b. side lobe artifact
c. posterior acoustic enhancement
d. posterior acoustic shadowing
0 Skull and achondroplasia
MCQ 152
Q. Skull is not involved in all except :
a. Achondroplasia
b. Hypochondroplasia
c. Pseudoachondroplasia
d. All of the above
Answer : A
Skull changes are mandatory to diagnose achondroplasia. - Calvarium large, base shortened , foramen magnum small and funnel shaped.
Skull is never involved in Hypochondroplasia and pseudochondroplasia.
Skull changes are mandatory to diagnose achondroplasia. - Calvarium large, base shortened , foramen magnum small and funnel shaped.
Skull is never involved in Hypochondroplasia and pseudochondroplasia.
0 Permissible radiation dose
Radiation dose permissible in mSV/year
- to radiation-occupational worker is 20
- to lens is 150
- to skin is 500
- to hands and feet is 500
- to fetus (during entire pregnancy) is 2
1SV = 100REM
1Gy = 100RAD
For X-Rays and Gamma rays 1Roentgen = 1RAD = 1REM
0 Medical One Liners 241 - 250
241. Lytic expansile bone metastases from - Kidney & Thyroid malignancies.
242. Paraduodenal hernias - the most common type of internal hernias.
243. Comet Tail on USG - Adenomyomatosis of the gallbladder
Comet Tail on CT - Round atelactasis
244. The term " Chasing the dragon " is used for imaging of heroin inhalation leukoencephalopathy.
245. Double layered patella is characteristic for Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia.
246. Linguine sign - intracapsular rupture of a breast implant.
247. Lyre sign - splaying of the internal and external carotid by a carotid body tumour.
248. Dysplasia epiphysealis hemimelica = Trevor's disease, characterized by irregular overgrowth of part of an epiphysis.
249. Urinomas are most commonly in the perirenal space.
250. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen was born on - 27 March 1845.
On 8 November 1895, produced and detected electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range today known as X-rays.
0 Segond fracture
Segond fracture = avulsion of the anterolateral aspect of the lateral tibial plateau
Mechanism - internal rotation of tibia + varus stress
Originally postulated - avulsion of the lateral capsular ligament,
Recent MR study suggests - it occurs at the distal attachments of the iliotibial tract or Lateral Collateral Ligament. (ref: CT and MRI of the Whole Body, Fifth Edition, John R. Haaga)
Most common ASSOCIATED injury - ACL tear (75-100%)
2nd MC - Meniscal tear (medial or lateral, mostly posterior horn)(66-75%).
0 Medical One Liners 231 - 240
231. Chief artery supplying breast - Lateral thoracic artery
232. Wheel within a wheel and Bull’s eye lesion is seen in hepatic ultrasound of - Liver candidiasis.
233. Berger's hernia - hernia in Pouch of Douglas
234. Petit's hernia - hernia through Petit's triangle = inferior lumbar triangle
235. Grynfeltt's hernia - hernia through Grynfeltt-Lesshaft triangle =superior lumbar triangle.
236. During muscle contraction H zone disappears, width of I band reduced ,A band remains unchanged.
237. Maximum potassium ion concentration in Colonic Fluid.
Maximum Potassium secretion is by saliva.
238. Gantzer's muscle is accessory belly of the flexor pollicis longus muscle.
239. Cella media index > 4 is normal
240. Distal part of the tendon of Adductor magnus detaches and becomes the medial collateral ligament (Tibial collateral ligament) of the knee.
0 Medical one liners 221 - 230
221. HMG-CoA-reductase catalyzes the rate-limiting step in cholesterol metabolism.
222. Agger nasi air cells are the most anterior ethmoidal air cells.
223. Hidebound bowel sign or the stack of coins - seen on barium study of small bowel in scleroderma.
224. Bigliani classification is used for acromion morphological types.
225. Climber's muscle - Latissmus dorsi.
226. Tailor’s muscle - Sartorius.
227. The endocervical canal measures 7 to 8 mm.
228. Crypts of Lieberkuhn are seen in Duodenum.
229. Corpora arenacea (or Brain sand) are calcified structures in the pineal gland and other areas of the brain such as the choroid plexus.
230. Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells are involved in myelin formation around axons in the CNS and peripheral nervous system, respectively.
0 Medical One Liners 211 - 220
211. Garland's triad (also known as the 1-2-3 sign) is suggestive of thoracic sarcoidosis.
212. The marginal vein of Servelle is pathognomonic for Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome.
213. Castellvi classification is used for Lumbosacral Transitional Vertebrae (LSTV).
214. Kohler disease - avascular necrosis of the navicular bone.
215. Kienbock disease - avascular necrosis of lunate.
216. Lateral end of clavicle appears at 5 wks intra-uterine life, Medial end of clavicle appears at 15 years of life.
217. Ball on tee sign - seen in papillary necrosis on IVU.
218. Metaphyseal blanch sign of Steel is seen in SCFE (Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis)
219. Aneurysmal bone cysts (ABC) occur before the fusion of epiphysis and are usually metaphyseal in location.
0 Medical One liners 201 - 210
201. Most common site of iatrogenic esophageal perforation is Cricopharynx ( as its the narrowest part of GIT , with exception of vermiform appendix )
202. Important 25 cm structures :
- Oesophagus
- Duodenum
- Thoracic duct
- Ureter.
204. Most commonly symptomatic Plica is Medial Patellar plica.
Plica is embryological remnant of synovial membrane at patello-femoral joint.
205. The commonest cause of anterior knee pain is softening of the cartilage on the underside of the patella = Chondromalacia patella = Patellofemoral syndrome.
206. Most common congenital anomaly of urinary tract is Duplex collecting system.
207. Central dot sign is seen in Caroli disease.
208. The bear's paw sign is seen in xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis.
209. Coins in the oesophagus are oriented in the coronal plane whereas coins in the trachea are oriented sagittally.
210. Portomesenteric vein gas is most commonly caused by mesenteric ischemia.
0 Infrarenal IVC development variation
MCQ 149
Q. In a person with infrarenal IVC developing from subcardinal vein, which of the following will be seen ?
a. Duplex collecting system
b. Aberrant renal artery
c. Supernumerary kidney
0 Todani classification
MCQ 148
Q. Caroli's disease is considered under which type of cysts in Todani's classification ?
a. Type 2
b. Type 3
c. Type 4
d. Type 5
Answer : D - Type 5
Todani classification of bile duct cysts
Type 1 : true choledochal cyst (involving extrahepatic bile duct)
Type 2 : bile duct diverticulum
Type 3 : choledochocele
Type 4 : intra & extra-hepatic duct cysts
Type 5 : intra-hepatic duct cysts. (Caroli disease)
Todani classification of bile duct cysts
Type 1 : true choledochal cyst (involving extrahepatic bile duct)
Type 2 : bile duct diverticulum
Type 3 : choledochocele
Type 4 : intra & extra-hepatic duct cysts
Type 5 : intra-hepatic duct cysts. (Caroli disease)
0 Not a true diaphragmatic opening
MCQ 146
Q. Which of the following is not a true opening in diaphragm ?
a. Vena caval hiatus
b. Esophageal hiatus
c. Aortic hiatus
0 Open ring sign
MCQ 145
Q. Open ring contrast enhancement (Open ring sign) is seen in ?
a. Demyelination
b. Cerebral abscess
c. Granuloma
0 Boerhaave's syndrome vs Mallory–Weiss syndrome
Boerhaave's syndrome vs Mallory–Weiss syndrome
Boerhaave's syndrome
Mallory–Weiss syndrome
Site : Lower thoracic oesophagus
Site: Vertical tear in cardia of stomach , may extend to distal
There is vertical perforation, and all gastric content goes into
No history of foreign body.
Mackler's triad may be seen :
Mucosa and submucosa are involved, NOT a complete perforation.
Presentation : Hematemesis (Not pain) |
Reason : Vomiting / Retching against closed cricopharynx. i.e
Reason : Vomiting , Increased LES (Lower esophageal sphincter) pressure. – can cause tear.
Sign : Air in mediastinum
Hamman’s Sign (seen with any
cause of pneumomediastinum.) – On auscultation , because of air around heart.
Investigation of Choice : Water soluble contrast study ( DO NOT USE
Diagnosis : Upper GI endoscopy.
Treatment : Immediate surgery
(via LEFT thoracotomy )
If >24-48 hrs – Let heal with secondary intention , do not suture
, Just put a drain.
Treatment : Conservative (95 % cases)
0 Esophageal ring
Site : Lower oesophagus.
A-Ring = Lower esophageal muscular ring
- Mostly asymptomatic.
- Symptoms if present : Dysphagia for both solids and liquids in absence of food impactions.
- Situated few centimeters proximal to Schatzki's location (see below)
B-Ring = Lower esophageal mucosal ring = Schatzki ring
- There is fibrous thickening in submucosa, it is symmetrical. Mucosa is normal histopathologically.
- Most patients are asymptomatic.
- Symptoms if present : Dysphagia, more for solids , and food impactions.
- Has association with hiatus hernia
- Seen in Lower oesophagus above diaphragm at Squamocolumner junction
- Treatment : Balloon when needed.
0 Esophageal web
Esophageal web (acquired)
Site : Cricopharynx / Postcricoid.
Usually in association with Plummer–Vinson syndrome (PVS) = Paterson–Brown–Kelly syndrome = sideropenic dysphagia --which is a triad of
- dysphagia ,
- esophageal webs, and
- iron deficiency anemia.
0 Ligamentum teres hepatis
Ligamentum teres hepatis
- Ligamentum teres hepatis is obliterated left umblical vein. (MCQ Point )
- The umblical veins take oxygenated blood and join to the left and right branches of portal vein. (MCQ Point )
- In embryo , normally , the right umblical vein completely disappears by about 8th week (intrauterine life) and only left umblical vein is present thereafter. ( can be remembered as "Left is Left in body" ) (MCQ Point )
- This left umbilical vein usually closes in <7days after birth, and forms round ligament of liver = ligamentum teres hepatis.
- It results in the ligamentum teres joining to the left branch of the portal vein. (MCQ Point )
0 Ligamentum teres hepatis (MCQ)
MCQ 143
Q. Ligamentum teres hepatis normally and usually joins to which of the following ?
a. Right branch of portal vein
b. Left branch of portal vein
c. Hepatic vein
d. IVC
Answer : B - Left Portal Vein
- Ligamentum teres hepatis is obliterated left umblical vein. (MCQ Point )
- The umblical veins take oxygenated blood and join to the left and right branches of portal vein. (MCQ Point )
- In embryo , normally , the right umblical vein completely disappears by about 8th week and only left umblical vein is present thereafter. ( can be remembered as "Left is Left in body" ) (MCQ Point )
- This left umbilical vein usually closes in <7days after birth, and forms round ligament of liver = ligamentum teres hepatis.
- It results in the ligamentum teres joining to the left branch of the portal vein. (MCQ Point )
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