Important developmental milestones
1 month- Turns head to sound
2 months
- Social Smile
3 months
- Neck holding (i.e No head lag - but sways)
- Grasp reflex disappear
- Recognizes mother
- Cooing
4 months
- Goes for objects
5 months
- Sits with support
- Bidextrous grasp
- Complete head control (no swaying)
5-6 months
- Babbling

6 months
- Rolling in bed
- Monosyllables ( ma , ba )
6-7 months
- Transfer objects
- Palmar grasp
- Smiles at mirror image
- Depth perception starts (fully at 6-7 years)
8 months
- Sit without support

9 months
- Crawling
- Pincer grasp
- Waves bye bye
- Stranger anxiety
- Bisyllables (ma-ma , ba-ba)
- Peek a boo
10 months
- Creeping
- Points to objects
12 months
- Stand without support
- Turns 2 pages at a time
- 2 words with meaning
13 months
- Walk without support
- Casting (Picks up things and throw)
15 months
- Self feed with spoon
- Tower of 2 cubes
18 months
- Self feed with cup
- Tower of 3-4 cubes
- 10 words with meaning
2 years
- Walk upstairs
- Turns 1 page at a time
- Tower of 6-7 cubes
- Train
- Dry by day (bladder control)
- Simple sentences with 2 words
- Age with highest risk of self poisoning
2.5 years
- Train with chimney
3 years
- Ride tricycle
- Tower of 9 cubes
- Bridge
- Circle
- Dry by night
- Dress and undress under supervision
- Knows age and gender
- Handedness
- Identify colors
4 years
- Rectangle
- Dress and undress without supervision
- Tells story
5 years
- Skip off both feet
- Triangle
- Know 4 color
6 years
- Makes Steps
6-7 years
- Depth perception fully developed
Very nicely compiled. Thank you.