Cystic Fibrosis
- Mutation in CFTR gene located on Chromosome 7
- Delta F 508 is the most common mutation (66-70%) seen in CFTR gene. (Though in India, this mutation is seen in 25-30% cases)
- It is considered most common lethal disorder in caucasians.
Normally : CFTR gene ---> Cl channel --- Cl ions out of cell.
Mutation : Cl remains inside. Thus
- Mucous comes
- Recurrent infections {Most common : Early - Staph ; Late - Pseudomonas (mucoid) Pneumonia , Burkholderia cepacea }
- Pancreatic insufficiency - (in Adutls - due to gall stone , alcohol ) , (In Child - due to Cystic Fibrosis)
- Meconium Ileus
- Azoospermia
Diagnosis :
- Sweat Cl > 60meq/L on 2 occasions (Normally < 40 )
- Nasal electrode potential difference (diagnostic) (Not in India)
- CFTR mutation
- GER - Barium swallow
- Tc based Nuclear Scan
- Lung function test : Increased RV/TLC
MedicoNotebook - Founder : DrShiviMudgal , Co-Founder : DrAyushGoel
There was a question in AI 2011 where they had tricked using non mucoid word with pseudomonas. Nice article. Thanks