321. CT scan is most sensitive investigation to detect pulmonary nodule of 3mm or greater diameter.
322. Dysmyelinating disease with MR Spectroscopy showing markedly elevated NAA peak - Canavan disease.
323. In PET scan, 18-FDG accumulates in metabolically active cells as FDG -6-phosphate but it does not enter citric acid cycle.
324. Most accurate imaging technique for the staging of primary lung tumors - PET
325. Most common posterior fossa tumor in adult - Cerebellar metastases.
326. Most common primary posterior fossa tumor in adult - Hemangioblastoma.
327. Fishhook ureter = hockey stick ureter = J-shaped ureter, seen in : significant BPH.
328. S-shaped ureter : seen with retrocaval ureter.
329. Masaoka staging system is used for - thymomas.
Stage II and above - thymic carcinoma.
330. Chauffeur fractures = Hutchinson fractures = backfire fracture : intraarticular fracture of the radial styloid process.